Contact us for your next TETRIX stand
+7 (495) 769 8707
199178 St Petersburg
line 7, 80 block 2
+7 (495) 769 8707
105120 Moscow, Kostomarovskiy pereulok, 3 block 12 office 420
199178 St Petersburg
line 7, 80 block 2
8 (800) 550-20-97

Anna Yuschenko
Manager of Ekspofabrika
Saint Petersburg, Russia
+792 1934 7335

Mats Sandvik
TETRIX Nordic Markets
Jakobstad, Finland
+358 (0)10 2193 564
TETRIX Expo Stands in Russia
Ekspofabrika ….Natalya’s Fabrika
(Fabrika: eng. Factory or Mill)
TETRIX, a display system brand has been innovating, building and selling all forms of expo stands online since 2006. The display systems has been sold in the close markets all over Scandinavia. From the early day small, one man company, established in a basement of the little town of Jakobstad in Finland, the enterprise has grown and found broader markets. In the case of Russia – Ekspofabrika!
The very first transaction TETRIX had in Russia had nothing to do with prints or exhibition stands or money or negotiations or lunches with possible customers. It had nothing to do with business of any sort. It started in fact with a possibility to help children. We helped Father Frost to surprise some kids at the children´s hospital in St. Petersburg. Well, if nothing else, it couldn’t hurt to spread some good karma – and who wouldn’t love to see the smile of a kid that happens to forget her/his illness, even if just for a second.
Somehow though, the idea of TETRIX seemed to fit in Russia inmany ways. The products had a very high standard of quality, and looking at the price level and products on the Russian market, we little by little started to realize that there is a gap that fits us perfectly. We have the quality, the unique products and the cost effectiveness to carry us all the way.
Looking for a place of business, we were introduced to a space in the old TV factory on Vasilyevsky island, in central St. Petersburg. It was almost too good to be true and we got very excited. TETRIX Russia, as we called it, could come true – all bits of the puzzle were locking into place. To make things more “convincing”, as it became for us – you have to know Natalya. Natalya, who sadly is no longer with us, is the grand mother of Ekspofabrikas director.
Natalya was a young girl when the war broke out, and she lost her family in the siege of Leningrad. We had heard that story being told. She had miraculously survived through hard ships, and death by starvation, and her blessing was that – even though little and weak, by some lucky strike and help, she landed a job at a factory. Back in the days of war, in WWII Leningrad, that could be the line between life and death. Factory employees were to some degree fed, they got enough food to actually be able to survive. That´s how dear granny Natalya was introduced to us.
This inspiration led us to sign for the spot in that famous factory (fabrika) that actually had saved Natalyas life. We had planned it so well. How she, a survivor, would “re-open” the factory for us, and maybe rub of a little molecule of the survivor spirit on us at the fabrika. Sadly the angels decided that Natalya was better needed somewhere else, before our day of opening arrived.
Now we are in our Ekspofabrika. Now we are all busy with business; with prints and exhibition stands and money and negotiations and lunches with possible customers… However, we all think that our business minds, and calculations, and hard work till late evenings are part of the reason Ekspofabrika exists – but it´s not us alone. Ekspofabrika is also Natalya’s fabrika.
Thank you!
For more information regarding TETRIX Ltd, please visit